We're Here to Help


Charitable gift planning affords you opportunities to have an outsized impact on the causes that matter most to you with the possibility of reducing or eliminating current and future tax liabilities, creating income for you or your loved ones, and preserving wealth for future generations of your family.

Recent and pending changes to the tax code (Tax Cut and Jobs Act, CARES Act, CAA, and BBB) contain provisions incentivizing you to plan how, what, and when you give to charity. If you have recently experienced or are anticipating changes in your personal life or business, we encourage you to partner with us to ensure you're taking full advantage of these incentives.

Friends Select School's Development Office is a ready resource for you and your advisors. We welcome you to have a confidential, no-obligation conversation to align your personal financial situation with your philanthropic goals.

How Will You Leave Your Legacy?

A legacy gift enables you to support Friends Select School, secures the financial needs of your loved ones, and provides you with tax benefits. Legacy gifts of all sizes combine to help us meet our current goals and sustain the school for generations to come.

By including Friends Select School in your will or trust, naming the school as a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy, or taking advantage of other giving opportunities, you can preserve your assets now and support Friends Select School for years to come. Your gift will have a real, lasting impact.

Let us help you make the gift that's right for you. Request a confidential, no-obligation conversation to get started.

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Price Wetzel Legacy Society

When you make a gift to Friends Select School from your will or trust, you'll be welcomed into the Price Wetzel Legacy Society and join other supporters and friends who value the school and its mission. Is Friends Select School already in your plans? Please let us know so we can properly thank you and make sure your gift will be used as you've intended.

Join Now Document Your Gift

Price Wetzel Legacy Society Members

  • *Richard L. Ashbrook '38
  • Ken Bailey
  • Leigh E. Bantivoglio '89
  • *George Batcheler
  • *Sarah Pithouse Becker '23
  • Robin J. Bernstein '67
  • Barbara I. Berschler '64
  • *Mary Helen Bickley '34
  • *Ruth Brooke-Casey '39
  • Amy Rosenberg Cohen '82
  • John M. Dallam '49
  • Doris Moerck Dinger '35
  • Margaret E. Everett '42
  • J. Wilson Ferguson '51
  • Barbara L. Gillam '55
  • Rose Hagan
  • Robert G. Harnwell
  • *E. Armason Harrison '30
  • Richard and Susan Huffman
  • *Kathryn Hulse '32
  • Barbara Jacobs
  • Christine Jefferson and Frank Gontowski
  • Judy Love Keogh '55
  • *Maris Langford
  • M. Albert Linton
  • *Ralph E. Martinsen '41
  • Emily Gamber Moore '42
  • *Elizabeth Moos '38
  • Calvin S. Morris '59
  • *Lucille Ritter Opler '33
  • Deborra Sines Pancoe 
  • *Sally Plasky
  • Peter O. Price '58
  • Gerri Spilka
  • *Walter N. Read '35
  • *H. Ruth Brooke-Casey '39
  • *William and Janet Hollinshed Ryan '36
  • *Sarah Longstreth '26
  • *Carole Springer Schoettle '53
  • Abby Schrader
  • *C. Robert Sharpless '31
  • *Elizabeth Buery Simons '26
  • *Henrietta M. Slote '47
  • Tawn Stokes '54
  • *Edmond Suez '52
  • Louise Catalano Tarman '52
  • Clark Thompson '43
  • *Donald B. Thornton '36
  • Margot J. Tully
  • *Gwynedd Wood Wade '42
  • *Dove Pincus Weiner '39
  • Henry W. Weis
  • Elizabeth Widdicombe
  • Thomas and Sandra Williams
  • *Joan Robb Witlin '47
  • *Julia H. Wetzel '27
  • *Catherine M. Yanak '35


Ways to Give

Not only do you have options for how your gift will be used, you also have options on what to give and how to give. There are gifts that cost you nothing now, gifts that pay you income, and gifts that allow you to decide what happens when various events in life happen.

Gifts From Your Will
General Bequest

Through a provision in your written and executed will, you can make a gift in the form of cash, securities, real estate or personal property. There are many types of bequests. Choose the one that best fits your needs and intentions.

Beneficiary Gifts
Retirement Accounts

Naming Friends Select School as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, Keogh, profit-sharing pension plan or other donor-advised funds, will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings.

Gifts of Stock
Appreciated Stock

When you donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares instead of cash, you'll receive charitable deductions at full, fair market value while reducing capital gains impact.

Charitable IRA Rollover
Charitable IRA Rollover

If you're 70 ½ or older, you can lower your taxable income while making a gift directly to Friends Select through a Qualified Charitable Distribution.

Donor Advised Funds
Beneficiary Designation and Grants

Designate Friends Select as a beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the balance of your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) through your fund administrator. You also can make a grant to us at any time from your donor-advised fund.

Gifts of Life Insurance
Beneficiary Designation and Paid-Up Policies

Name Friends Select School as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy; donate an existing, paid-up life insurance policy you no longer need; or purchase a new life insurance policy and name Friends Select School as the owner and beneficiary.

Gifts That Pay You
Charitable Gift Annuity

You can turn underperforming assets (stock, cash in a savings account, CDs, savings bonds, etc.) into a gift to Friends Select that provides income to you. Your Charitable Gift Annuity will give you quarterly, fixed payments for life and tax benefits, too.

Meet Our Donors

Donors just like you have made a real impact just by adding a few words to their will or using one of the many giving options available.

Contact Us

Use the Form Below to Get in Touch with the Development Office.

Let us know how we can help you include Friends Select School in your estate plans. Discussing your charitable intentions with us can lead to a much better result than going it alone - and will ensure that your gift is used just as you wish.

Contact Us

Christine Jefferson

Christine Jefferson
Chief Development Officer

(215) 561-5900 x3141

Friends Select

1651 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia,PA 19103
T. (215) 561-5900
F. (215) 864-2979

For Professional Advisors

If you are working with a professional advisor, or advising a donor, here's a practical guide for including Friends Select School in a charitable estate plan.

Download Advisor Guide